Sign Up to become a Member

To sign-up and become a member of the Stillington Squash Club, please fill out the form below. Once complete you will receive instructions by email allowing access to the Court Booking system.

* Required fields

Membership Type Adult - £95.00

Invalid Date
Invalid email address
* required
Terms & Conditions of Membership

SSRC Terms & Conditions

PIN Code

A new member guide will be sent to you shortly after joining. It contains information about the door PIN, which you will need to enter the club. 

Accounts & Subscriptions

  • Members can have one of 6 types of subscription – Annual Adult, Annual Family, Annual Junior, Annual Student, Life-time and Monthly. 
  • Membership is renewed from the date a member started a respective membership i.e. annually for annual membership and monthly for monthly membership. This does not apply to life-time members.
  • Renewal reminders will be sent automatically to members by email through the court booking and management system EBooking Online.
  • The default setting in the third party payment system Stripe is for perpetual membership renewal so leaving members are expected to actively cancel their subscriptions to prevent the risk of unwanted payments being made.
  • Members must have credit in their EBooking online (EBO) account to reserve courts.
  • If a player leaves SSRC, there is no refund of membership subscription or credit in their EBO account except in exceptional circumstances. If a member suspects that they might leave the club in a coming year, they are encouraged to opt for monthly membership.

Booking Fees

  • Bookings are made for 20 minute slots at a cost of £2. It is £4 for 40 minutes and so on.
  • If an opponent’s name is not included when booking a court in EBO, the person booking the court is inviting their opponent to play free. When both players names are input into EBO the cost of the court is automatically split between both players. 
  • The fee includes all court costs for lighting and heating.
  • The lights are activated by pressing the green button on the relay box next to the court.  The green light comes on about 1 minute before a booking 

Booking Rules

  • Courts can be booked up to 90 days in advance.
  • There is no restriction on the number of courts that can be booked. A restriction maybe introduced on the number of bookings by one member in the future if there is too great a demand for peak time courts and this is supported by the membership.
  • Booked courts not occupied 10 minutes after the start time can be taken by other players.

Cancellations & Refunds

  • When unable to use a reserved court, members should cancel as soon as possible so that the court may be used by others.
  • The booking fee is automatically refunded when a court is cancelled more than 48 hours in advance. Otherwise the court fee is lost.

Guest Fees

  • Members are welcome to bring guests to the Club.
  • This facility is for visiting friends, or players considering joining the Club.  It should not be abused for regular matches.
  • Members bringing guests book a court as normal on EBO, selecting "GUEST " as their opponent. The cost of the court will be borne by the member and taken from their credit balance.


  • As with all squash clubs please wear non-marking trainers that have not been worn outside on court. Please dry off in the shower area and not the changing room, and put rubbish in the relevant bins.  We all want our club to be tidy and in good nick.