Sign Up to become a Member

To sign-up and become a member of the Fountainstown Community Sports Club, please fill out the form below. Once complete you will receive instructions by email allowing access to the Court Booking system.

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Terms & Conditions of Membership

Club members play a key role in the promotion of an ethical approach to our sport and young
people’s enjoyment in the game. All club members therefore need to be aware, informed and
involved in promoting the safest possible environment for children to enjoy their participation
in sport. Club sports leaders need the support of members in conveying the Safe, Fun and
Fair Play message. You are expected to help and support the implementation of best practice
policies in the Club by following the guidance below.

• Be aware and abide by the Club Safeguarding Policy, the rules and constitution of
Fountainstown Community Sports Club.
• Understand and ensure you abide by this Code of Conduct.
• Be a role model for children and young people by maintaining the highest standards
of personal conduct and respectful behaviour in any activity relating to and taking place
on Fountainstown Community Sports Club.
• Have an awareness of and respect for sports leaders, club staff and other adults in
respect to their roles within the Club.
• Respect and abide by the decisions made by the Committee and other leaders. These
are made in the best interests of the children in the Club.
• Ensure the environment is safe and enjoyable for children.
• Promote fair play and the positive aspects of sport.
• Respect on-court rules and etiquette.
• Promote participation for children that is fun, safe and in the spirit of fair play.
• If you wish to raise an issue with a member of the committee or club representative,
this should be addressed with the Sports Leader, Secretary/Manager or Child
Protection Officer in an appropriate manner and not in front of children and young
• Understand the complaints process and follow the proper procedure if you feel unjustly
treated in respect to the Club’s adherence to its constitution, this Code of conduct or
any other applicable policies and procedures to which the Club follows, with the
knowledge that any complaint will be dealt with effectively and confidentially.
• You should have the opportunity to put forward suggestions and comments.
• Be available for specified duties if and when required; some duties are mandatory and
form part of the procedures for safeguarding children; some will be at the request of
the Club.
• Abide by the procedures and policies in the Club Safeguarding Policy especially with
regard to the use of smart phones, any type of camera and videoing equipment.
• Become a member of the Club and contribute your time and effort in the daily running
of the Club; no club can operate successfully and safely without the help of volunteers.


• Understand and ensure you and your child/children abide by this Code of Conduct,
the Club Safeguarding Policy, and the Rules and Constitution of Fountainstown
Community Sports Club.
• If you have a child enrolled in one of the club’s programmes know your child’s training
and/or competitive programme, and accept it is your responsibility for delivering and
col- lecting your child/children. Parents/carers should ensure they do not leave their
child/chil- dren waiting unsupervised at any time.
• Allow your child to focus their efforts and success in terms of their goals rather than
win- ning being the main objective.
• Ensure appropriate leaders are informed regarding any absenteeism, medical
conditions or other relevant matters concerning your child.
• Arrange an appropriate time and place for discussing any matter with leaders and
coaches; communication should not take place whilst leaders and coaches are in a
position of supervision or responsible for other young people.
• Provide the Club with appropriate information in relation to your child to ensure their
safe inclusion in the club and with emergency contact information and to be reasonably
available in case of emergency.
• Children also have a great deal to gain from activities in terms of their personal
development and enjoyment. The promotion of good practice in all activities will
depend on the co-operation of all involved, including child members of Fountainstown
Community Sports Club. Children must be encouraged to realise that they also have
responsibilities to treat other children and Sport Leaders with fairness and respect.

• Be happy, have fun and enjoy taking part and being involved in your activity.
• Be treated fairly by everyone, adults and other players.
• Feel safe and secure when you are taking part in your activity.
• Be listened to and allowed to reply.
• Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect.
• Have a voice in the decisions that affect you within the club and organisation.
• Say no to something which makes you feel uncomfortable.
• Train and compete at a level that is suitable for your age, development, and ability.
• Know that any details that are about you are treated with confidentiality but if you are
at risk of harm or we are worried about your safety we may need to pass this
information on.
• Know who to go to if you feel unsafe.

• Treat all sports leaders/coaches and club staff with respect.
• Be fair at all times, do your best to achieve your goals; be gracious if you do not
achieve your goals.
• Respect other players and your opponents.
• Be part of the team and respect and support other team members both when they do
well and when things go wrong.
• Never bully or use bullying actions against another person; you should never hurt other
team members, athletes or your opponent, this includes never taking/damaging their
property, never spreading rumours or telling lies about other young people or adults.
• Keep to rules and guidelines set by Tennis Ireland, the Province and your Club and
make sure you understand the rules.
• Take part in your activities without cheating; you are responsible for not cheating and
must not allow others to force you to cheat.
• Listen to and respect decisions made by others; if you feel unjustly treated you can
talk to your Club Children’s Officer or your parents.
• Behave in a manner that is respectful towards your organisation and your club.
• Never use violence or bad language; do not shout or argue with leaders, teammates
or opposing participants – talk to someone if you are upset or angry or if someone has
caused you to be upset or angry.
• Talk with your Coach/Sports Leader or Club Children’s Officer if you have any
difficulties or do not understand something; you should never keep secrets about any
person who may have caused you harm or has made you feel upset.
• Do not, or allow others to make you, try or take banned substances to improve your

By agreeing to this document, I am declaring that
• I will abide by the rules and constitution of Fountainstown Community Sports Club

• I will abide by the guidelines contained in the Club Safeguarding Policy

• I have never been asked to leave a sporting organisation and that if I have, I will make
the Secretary/Manager aware of this.

Please note: this matter will be dealt in complete confidence by the club.

• I have read this Club Code of Conduct in full and agree to abide by the
guidelines as set out above.
Please note that the person agreeing to the code on behalf of a junior member must
ensure they have parental responsibility for the child.